Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Imagine the beauty of the Paradise in the picture. This is how the Garden of Eden looked like. It was a perfect place, a paradise for God's creations. God loves us so much that He wanted us to live a perfect life. 

As we learned in our previous lesson, God shows his love to us by creating a perfect world. Only joy, happiness and other good things exist. There was no pain, death or sin. Sadly, this perfect world didn't last that long :(  - the reason the world is not perfect today. 

The world and the people in this world are not perfect today. Some lie, cheat, steal and say bad things to people. We do lot of things we are not supposed to do.

God's original plan for us was to live in a perfect world and to be perfect persons. Unfortunately, this did not happen because people have rebelled.

Curious on how this rebellion against God started? 
Let's figure out what happened. Click the image below and enjoy reading!


Do you know who is the serpent? His name is Lucipher.



Yes, you READ it right. He is an angel.
Maybe you're asking, aren't angels good?-- the answer is GOD MADE THEM GOOD. 
However, God has never forced anyone to love him or obey him. He still doesn't until now.

It is your choice.
And the angels in heaven had a choice too!

Lucipher chose not to follow God, to be wicked and to spread all the bad things in the world. He is the Satan.
God had given Satan a certain amount of power and authority. But he perverted the power. Lucipher wanted to exalt himself above God.. rather than just being the angel of God.


Satan tries to trick us in various ways. He tries to make sin look cool and fun. But falling to Satan's tricks always brings bad results - pain and death.

God loves us so much that when He knew we will commit sins because of what happened to the serpent, Adam and Eve, He allowed Jesus to live on earth as a man. He would die on the cross for our sins and put an end to devil.

God loves us so much inspite of our rebellion, imperfections and sins.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).


Dear God, thank You for explaining to me why bad  things happen in this world. Thank You that You plan on making life better for us. In Jesus name, Amen.